Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii: 95%Skate 3 PS3, 360: 86%Sam & Max: Season 2 Wii: 56%Alan Wake 360: 85%UFC Undisputed 2010 PS3, 360: 86%Kampf der Titanen 360: 62%Prince of Persia: Die vergessene Zeit PS3, 360: 72%Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP: 94%Red Dead Redemption PS3, 360: 93%Blur 360: 86%Split/Second: Velocity PS3, 360: 82%SBK X Superbike World Championship PS3, 360: 64%Jam with the Band DS: 60%Rooms: The Main Building DS: 64%What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord! PSP: 74%No More Heroes 2 Wii: 84%
Und Etliches mehr, nachzulesen in: M! Games Ausgabe 7/2010
7 Kommentare von Marc Brunner, Möbelheinrich, Gerhard, Emanuel Fuchs, Hellfisch-666, Zoran, Dark_Side
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