Halo: Reach 360: 88%
Enslaved PS3, X360: 85%
F1 2010 PS3, 360: 85%
FIFA 11 PS3, X360: 89%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 PS3, 360: 89%
NHL 11 PS3, X360: 89%
Guitar Hero 6 - Warriors of Rock PS3, X360, WII: 86%
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3, X360: 82%
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light DS: 78%
Sports Champions (Move) PS3: 74%
Und Etliches mehr, nachzulesen in: M! Games Ausgabe 11/2010
M! Games Ausgabe 11/2010
Cybermedia Verlagsgesellschaft mbh, Mering