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Futuron - Das Release-Orakel
Highlight KW 4: Dead Space 2 [uncut PEGI 18]
"Für mich waren die ersten Level von Dead Space 2 eine Achterbahn der Gefühle. Stimmung, Spannung und Action hat Visceral Games wirklich auf den Punkt genau eingefangen und damit sogar den genialen Vorgänger übertroffen." Highlight KW 5: Mario vs Donkey Kong 3 [PEGI 3]
"The Mario vs. Donkey Kong series never fails to deliver enjoyable puzzle experiences. Mini-Land Mayhem essentially offers "more of the same," but when that same is so charming you're not going to hear too many complaints. The ability to create your own levels, share them online, and compete in Nintendo sanctioned design contests gives Mini-Land Mayhem major replay value." |
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