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von Erich B. |
Neue Wertungen Edge October 2012
Sleeping Dogs PS3, 360, PC -/10 ab EUR 39,99 Fazit: "You'll find well-executed entertainment here, some moments worth fighting for, but without glue of a good script or the polish of a blockbuster to hold its disparate parts together, Sleeping Dogs feels as trapped as its hero." Darksiders 2 PS3, 360, PC 6/10 ab EUR 33,99 Fazit: "Darksiders II might have been made from bits of other, better games, but everything it replicates it does so with respect, if not aplomb." Anarchy Reigns PS3, 360 6/10 ab EUR 47,99 Fazit: "Anarchy Reigns sits awkwardly, then: its unbalanced multiplayer mode means a fixed moveset and an unremarkable singleplayer campaign, while the high online player count means matches too often descend into scrappy pileups." New Super Mario Bros. 2 3DS 7/10 ab EUR 41,99 Fazit: "More old than new, New Super Mario Bros. 2 is an inverted Galaxy, more content to remix old stomping grounds and sprinkle on new gimmicks than take Mario to places he hasn't hopped before." Quelle: |
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