DmC Devil May Cry PS3, X360 8/10 ab EUR 32,99
Fazit: "This is the best entry in its genre since Bayonetta, and might just be the best game Ninja Theory has made to date."
The Walking Dead PS3 8/10 ab EUR 38,99
Fazit: "Even so, Telltale has achieved something remarkable - this series offered some of the most memorable hours we spent holding a gamepad during 2012."
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch PS3 exklusiv 8/10 ab EUR 55,99
Fazit: "A familiar tale in a familiar genre, then, but this is a game full of youthful wonder, imagination and thoughtfulness."
Virtues Last Reward
3DS, PS Vita 7/10 ab EUR 27,99
Spannende Einblicke und Vorberichte gibt es diesen Monat über folgende Kracher: Bioshock Infinite, Crysis 3, Fuse, Warface und noch einige mehr.
Quelle: Edge #250 February 2013
Future Publishing, Bath, UK