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Assassins Creed Shadows von Alexander P. The Thing: Remastered von Thomas K. Silent Hill: Townfall
von Thomas K. |
Neue Wertungen Game Informer April 2013
GI 240
Tomb Raider PS3, X360, PC 9,25/10 Fazit: "Crystal Dynamics has nailed a pitch-perfect new vision for one of gamin's most recognizable characters, and revitalizes her for what I hope will be many more installments." Crysis 3 PS3, X360, PC 8,5/10 Fazit: "Crysis 3's evolutionary enhancements don't move the needle for the series very far, but the core nanosuit-based gameplay is still thrilling." LEGO City: Undercover Wii U 8,5/10 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate 3DS 8,5/10 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PS3, X360 7,75/10 Aliens: Colonial Marines PS3, X360, PC 4/10 Dazu finden sich eine Cover-Story zum lange ersehnten Thief 4 sowie spannende Vorberichte zu Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag, Defiance, Remember Me und vielen anderen vielversprechenden Titeln. Quelle: Game Informer April 2013 |
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