Neue Wertungen GamesTM 133
God of War: Ascension PS3 exklusiv 9/10 ab EUR 67,99 Fazit: "But we've never been so happy to be proven wrong, and from its lavish presentation and tight pacing, this is arguably the best God of War yet." Tomb Raider PS3, X360, PC 8/10 ab EUR 29,99 Fazit: "At one point she emerges from a literal river of blood and murders everyone in the room who isn't expressly her friend." Crysis 3 PS3, X360, PC 7/10 ab EUR 47,99 Fazit: "The most engaging stories of Crysis 3 emerge from its ability to facilitate a degree of free-form player expression." Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon 3DS 9/10 ab EUR 41,99 Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate Wii U, 3DS 7/10 ab EUR 41,99 Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 PS3, X360 3/10 Noch viel mehr gibt es in der aktuellen Ausgabe zu finden, darunter alle zusammengetragenen Information zur PlayStation 4. Passend dazu Vorberichte zu den PS4-Krachern Killzone Shadow Fall, Deep Down, DriveClub, Infamous: Second Son und den restlichen NextGen-Hoffnungen. Quelle: GamesTM No. 133Imagine Publishing Ltd., Bournemouth, UK |
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