Neue Wertungen Game Informer November 2013
Grand Theft Auto V PS3, X360 9.75/10 ab EUR 64,99 Fazit: "Like the golden state it parodies, Grand Theft Auto V is filled with beautiful scenery, a wealth of activities, and the promise of a fortune." Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD FIFA 14 PS3, X360 8.75/10 ab EUR 59,99 Fazit: "Leaving this generation on the ascent." Der Puppenspieler Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 PS3, X360 8.25/10 ab EUR 49,99 Total War: Rome 2 PC 8/10 ab EUR 39,99 Killzone Mercenary PS Vita 8/10 ab EUR 39,99 Beyond: Two Souls PS3 7.75/10 ab EUR 59,99 Fazit: "That's how I'll choose to remember Beyond - brilliant and flawed at once." Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness Spannende Vorberichte warten mit Forza Motorsport 5, Dark Souls 2 oder auch Batman: Arkham Origins. Quelle: Game Informer November 2013 - Issue 247 |
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