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Neue Wertungen X-One 108
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 360 8/10 ab EUR 57,99 Fazit: "A feast for the eyes, a gauntlet for your thumbs and a satisfying puzzle for your brain to chew on, Lords of Shadow 2 is a competent jack-of-all-trades." Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII 360 8/10 ab EUR 54,99 Fazit: "While not a traditional Final Fantasy game or indeed even an RPG by some measures, Lightning Returns shows that Square can innovate in a stagnant genre." Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Xbox One 7/10 ab EUR 57,99 Fazit: "All we can say is that if publishers are going to start overcharging for slight next-gen upgrades, this is going to be one hell of a long generation." Die Redakteure freuen sich auf ganze 70 "mind-blowing" neue Spiele auf der Xbox One und werfen einen Blick auf Evolve sowie den Grusel-Horror Alien: Isolation. Quelle: X-One No. 108Imagine Publishing Ltd., Bournemouth, UK |
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