Neue Wertungen Game Informer May 2014
Alle in der Game Informer getesteten Spiele günstig und garantiert unzensiert bei Gameware kaufen

Titanfall Xbox One, 360, PC 9,25/10 ab EUR 59,99 (One)

Fazit: "Titanfall is enormously entertaining, with long legs that should have players exploring its depth for many months to come."

Dark Souls 2 PS3, 360, PC 9,75/10
ab EUR 54,99

Fazit: "It's only March, but Dark Souls II stands tall as a potential game of the year."

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes PS4, PS3, One, X360 7/10 ab EUR 29,99

Fazit: "The good news is that the core stealth is fun, and the innovations on the gameplay front are promising."

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Xbox One, 360 6,5/10 ab EUR 29,99

Fazit: "Rooted in shallow soil."

South Park: The Stick of Truth PS3, 360, PC 8,5/10 ab EUR 39,99 (PC)

Fazit: "It's one of the most faithful adaptations of a license I've seen, and it ranks among the best comedic games ever released."

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z PS3, 360 6,5/10 ab EUR 46,99

Fazit: "Team Ninja gets around to the zombie trend."

inFamous: Second Son PlayStation 4 8,5/10 ab EUR 54,99

Fazit: "I never really grasped what was coming next from this tale, outside of knowing the the open world activities and encounters would be repeated ad nauseam."

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls PC/Mac 9,25/10 ab EUR 36,99

Fazit: "With a staggering revamp that touches upon almost all aspects of the game and modes that keep things interesting, Reaper of Souls isn't so much an expansion as it is a completely new game."

Die große Coverstory der Ausgabe ist das phantasievolle Fortnite. Die Redakteure waren auch sonst noch ganz fleissig und haben sich Murdered: Soul Suspect, Watch_Dogs, Mario Kart 8, MLB 14: The Show, The Crew und auch Divinity: Original Sin bereits vorab angesehen.

Quelle: Game Informer May 2014 - Issue 253
Game Informer Magazine, Minneapolis, MN