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Nintendo Switch 2 von Markus S. Sniper Elite: Resistance von Erich B. Sniper Elite: Resistance
von Beek B. |
Neue Wertungen Edge 270
Edge 270
Valiant Hearts: The Great War - PS4, One, PC - 7/10 Fazit: "Valiant Hearts is simple, humble even, but it's never facile, and it's impossible not to be moved by the very personal stories it tells along the way." Divinity: Original Sin PC 8/10 Fazit: "Divinity is a colourfully written and often funny game, but one that doesn't deviate much from the fantasy rulebook, an area where a more substantial break from the past would have been welcome." Shovel Knight - PC, 3DS, Wii U - 8/10 Pullblox World - Wii U - 8/10 Road Not Taken - PS4, PC - 7/10 Beim Titelthema wird No Man's Sky - die wunderbare Indie-Space-Sim - von allen Seiten beleuchtet. Aber auch Microsofts Rennspielhoffnung Forza Horizon 2 kommt nicht zu kurz. Quelle: Edge #270, June 2014 |
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