Blood Rage

Ragnarök hat begonnen! Das Ende der Welt steht bevor. Aber wir sind Wikinger! Das ist keine Zeit der Verzweiflung. Es ist die Zeit des Ruhms! Wir fürchten den Tod nicht, denn nur im Kampf können wir unseren verdienten Platz an Odins Seite in Walhall erbringen!

Blood Rage, das Kennerspiel für 2-4 Spieler ab 14 Jahren, mit einer Spieldauer von ca. 60-90 Minuten. Autor: Eric M. Lang. Verlag: Cool Mini Or Not.


Einfach und sicher online bestellen: Blood Rage in Österreich kaufen.
Für 2-4 Spieler, Spieldauer ca. 60-90 Minuten
Brettspiele | ab 14 Jahren
Bestellung momentan nicht möglich


Einfach und sicher online bestellen: Blood Rage - Die Götter von Asgard in Österreich kaufen.
nicht lagernd - wird auf Kundenwunsch bestellt
The Gods of Ásgard expansion:

Only two gods will be part of each game session. Randomly draw two god cards and place them next to the board so all players can see their powers. At the end of the initial setup, shuffle the Ragnarök tokens that are not on the board or on the Age Track and draw two of them. Look at the names of the two provinces listed on the tokens and place each god figure in one of them (these Ragnarök tokens are then put aside).

Each god's ability is always in effect, changing the rules of the province they're in. The rest of the provinces are not affected. After a player attempts to pillage a province containing a god figure, whether he succeeds in the pillaging or not, he must then move the god to a different unpillaged province that does not contain a god figure. So the two gods can never occupy the same province, and they never go to a pillaged or destroyed province.

At the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd Ages, the two gods are again placed in random provinces, determined by drawing 2 unused Ragnarök tokens.

The combination of the two gods used in each game creates a unique texture to that session. They affect draft choices and influence the flow of the battles. Will your try to benefit from a god's power again and again by moving him where you want and always pillaging his province? Or will you do your best to neutralize him by pillaging around his province? Perhaps you'll want to attempt a hopeless pillage on his province just to move him onto another province where he will hinder another player's plans. They add a whole new layer to the game, without adding hardly any complexity to the rules.

The miniatures each come with a tarot-sized God card.
Einfach und sicher online bestellen: Blood Rage 5. Spieler Erweiterung in Österreich kaufen.
Brettspiele | ab 14 Jahren
nicht lagernd - wird auf Kundenwunsch bestellt
The Blood Rage: 5th Player Expansion introduces the mighty Ram clan into Blood Rage! This clan comes complete with 8 Warrior figures (in two different sculpts), 1 Leader Figure, 1 Ship figure, 1 Clan Sheet, 1 Plastic Glory Marker, 4 cardboard Clan tokens, 11 small colored bases, and 2 large colored bases.

This expansion introduces the option of playing Blood Rage with 5 players. The game board supports this by simply not having any province destroyed by Ragnarök before the beginning of the game. However, more players need more cards, so this expansion box comes with 24 "Gods' Gifts" cards (8 for each Age deck). All of these cards have the "5+" players pre-requisite listed on them. While most of them are extra copies of cards from the base game, there are a few new ones, like the "Widespread!" Quest, where you need to dominate any 2 provinces.

Allgemeine Produktinformationen

Ragnarök, das Ende der Welt, rückt unaufhaltsam näher. Es bleibt dir nur, deinem Clan seinen rechtmäßigen Platz in Wallhall zu sichern. Erlange als Anführer deines Clans Ruhm durch siegreiche Schlachten und Plünderungen und erfülle die von den Göttern gestellten Aufgaben. In Blood Rage bringen die Spieler ihre Armeen von fantastisch gestalteten Miniaturen in der Welt rund um Yggdrasil in Position und führen sie in die Schlacht. Nur wer seinen Clan mit der besten Strategie anführt, verdient sich seinen Platz in der sagenumwobenen Ruhmeshalle der Götter.

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