Left 4 Dead PC, X360: 9/10 Banjo-Kazooie: Schraube locker X360: 7/10 Gears of War 2 X360 : 9/10 Fallout 3 PC, X360, PS3: 7/10 Call of Duty 5: World at War PC, X360, PS3: 6/10 Resistance 2 PS3: 6/10 Mirrors Edge X360, PC, PS3 (getestet): 5/10 Tomb Raider: Underworld X360 (getestet), PC, PS3, PS2, WII, DS, : 8/10 Guitar Hero World Tour X360 (getestet), PS3, WII: 7/10 Und viele mehr, zu finden in der Edge UK Christmas 2008. Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 183 Christmas 2008 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
5 Kommentare von genetrik, mark rehm, sinnFeiN, Dark_Side, CruelTeacher
Mario Kart incl. Lenkrad Wii: 6/10 Dark Sector PS3, 360 (getestet): 7/10 Viking: Battle for Asgard PS3, 360 (getestet): 6/10 Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PS3, 360 (getestet), PC: 3/10 The World Ends with You DS: 8/10 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates DS: 6/10 Und noch einige mehr in der aktuellen Ausgabe May 2008. Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 188 May 2008 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
5 Kommentare von Lacky, shroomtune, Dark_Side, Clemens Wirth, noneck
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii: 9/10 Lost Odyssey 360: 7/10 Condemned 2: Blood Shot PS3, 360 (getestet): 5/10 Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 PS3 (getestet), 360, PC: 7/10 Army of Two PS3, 360 (getestet): 4/10 God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP: 7/10 Lost - Das Spiel PS3, 360 (getestet), PC: 3/10 Sins of a Solar Empire PC: 8/10 Professor Layton and the Curious Village DS: 7/10 Und noch einige mehr in der aktuellen Ausgabe April 2008. Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 187 April 2008 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
9 Kommentare von stonecold, shroomtune, mark rehm, Diablo, Kortek, Lacky, dani, Schokohamster, andyg1
Burnout Paradise PS3 (getestet), 360: 8/10 Turok PS3, 360: 5/10 Frontlines: Fuel of War 360 (getestet), PC: 7/10 Conflict: Denied Ops PS3, 360 (getestet): 5/10 Dynasty Warriors 6 PS3 (getestet), 360: 7/10 Advance Wars: Dark Conflict DS: 8/10 Patapon PSP: 8/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 186 March 2008 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
0 Kommentare
Burnout Paradise PS3, 360: 9/10 The Club PS3, 360, PC: 7/10 No More Heroes Wii: 9/10 Geometry Wars: Galaxies Wii (getestet), DS: 7/10 NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams Wii: 6/10 Soldier of Fortune: Payback PS3, 360, PC: 4/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 185 February 2008 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
0 Kommentare
Super Mario Galaxy Wii: 10/10 Uncharted: Drakes Fortune PS3: 8/10 Assassins Creed X360 (getestet), PC, PS3: 7/10 Crysis PC: 9/10 Mass Effect X360: 7/10 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3 (getestet), PC, X360: 9/10 Kane & Lynch: Dead Men X360 (getestet), PC, PS3: 6/10 The Witcher PC: 5/10 Bladestorm: Der Hundertjährige Krieg X360, PS3: 8/10 Guitar Hero III - Legends of Rock PS3 (getestet), PS2, Wii, PC, X360: 6/10 Silent Hill: Origins PSP: 7/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 183 Christmas 2007 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
10 Kommentare von Corven, Cari0ca, Havok, mark rehm, sinnFeiN, Mr. Bubbles, edge07, andyg1
Half Life 2: The Orange Box PC, PS3, Xbox 360: 10/10 Ratchet & Clank - Tools of Destruction PS3: 8/10 Folklore PS3: 5/10 The Eye of Judgment PS3: 4/10 Clive Barkers Jericho PC, PS3, Xbox 360: 5/10 Conan PS3, Xbox 360: 7/10 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Xbox 360: 8/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 182 December 2007 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
6 Kommentare von siegencity, Thomas Plattner, andyg1, Mr. Bubbles, Thegreenpuma, bambam1979
Halo 3 Xbox 360: 10/10 Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Wii: 7/10 Project Gotham Racing 4 Xbox 360: 9/10 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars PC: 8/10 Sega Rally PS3, Xbox 360, PC: 7/10 Lair PS3: 3/10 John Woo presents Stranglehold PS3, Xbox 360, PC: 7/10 Skate PS3, Xbox 360: 8/10 Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions PSP: 9/10 World in Conflict PC: 8/10 Eternal Sonata Xbox 360: 7/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 181 November 2007 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
8 Kommentare von Dualis, Grisu, Superuser, Erich Rudolf, Thegreenpuma, andyg1, LoLo
Dead Rising XBox 360: 8/10 Test Drive Unlimited XBox 360: 8/10 Yakuza PS2: 8/10 Star Fox Command DS: 7/10 Saints Row XBox 360: 6/10 GTR 2 PC: 9/10 LEGO Star Wars 2 XBox 360 (getestet), PS2, XBox, PC, GC, DS, PSP: 7/10 Gangs of London PSP: 3/10 B-Boy PS2 (getestet), PSP: 4/10 Mario Hoops 3on3 DS: 7/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 167 October 2006 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
2 Kommentare von DarKSlidE, Havok
Prey XBox 360, PC (getestet): 8/10 Ultimate Ghosts'n Goblins PSP: 9/10 Disgaea 2 PS2: 7/10 Bad Day LA PC: 4/10 Tekken: Dark Resurrection PSP: 7/10 Miami Vice - The Game PSP: 6/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 165 August 2006 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
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Rise of Legends PC: 8/10 Dreamfall: The longest Journey 2 PC (getestet), XBox: 7/10 Kingdom Hearts 2 PS2: 7/10 Tomb Raider Legend XBox 360, PC, PS2, PSP, XBox (getestet): 8/10 Rumble Roses XX XBox 360: 6/10 Untold Legends 2: The Warriors Code PSP: 6/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 163 June 2006 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion XBox 360 (getestet), PC: 8/10 Tomb Raider Legend XBox 360, PC, PS2, PSP, XBox (getestet): 8/10 Ghost Recon 3: Advanced Warfighter XBox 360 (getestet), PC, PS2, XBox (getestet): 8/10 Metroid Prime Hunters DS: 8/10 Odama GC: 4/10 Daxter PSP: 7/10 Der Pate PC, PS2, XBox (getestet), PC: 4/10 Grandia 3 PS2: 6/10 Top Spin 2 XBox 360 (getestet), DS: 8/10 Brain Training DS: 8/10 Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror PSP: 7/10 Tetris DS DS: 7/10 Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 162 May 2006 Future Publishing, Bath, UK www.edge-online.com
0 Kommentare
Ohne Pause führen wir wieder einen neuen Service ein: die wichtigsten Wertungen der internationalen Fachpresse. Wir durchforsten den Journalismus-Dschungel für euch nach den Daten die zählen. Den Start macht die heute erschienene Edge UK des Monats April. Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams PS2: 6/10 Fight Night Round 3 XBox 360 (getestet), PS2, PSP, XBox: 8/10 Driver: Parallel Lines PS2 (getestet), XBox: 7/10 Tourist Trophy PS2: 6/10 The Outfit XBox 360: 7/10 Tales of Legendia PS2: 5/10 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII PS2: 4/10 Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers XBox (getestet), PS2, PC: 7/10 Splinter Cell Essentials PSP: 6/10 Resident Evil Deadly Silence DS: 6/10 Age of Empires: Age of Kings DS: 7/10
Quelle: Edge Ausgabe 161 April 2006 Future Publishing, Bath, UK
1 Kommentar von Florian